Paging example

Authorization Credentials for Testing: [email protected]:da093a04-c9d7-46d7-9c83-9c9f8630d5e0

Company Number Company Business Indicator

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To demonstrate sorting, play around with the values in the drop down lists. If you leave the "sort" expression out of your query string, the default is sub_num desc, doc_num asc. This would cause the most recent submission numbers to be listed first, with each document appearing in order.

Sort by

Then by

sub_numdoc_num doc_type_desc sub_status_desc sub_received_date scanned
SR533408 1 Form B1C - Annual Return General Registered 2021-09-24T16:32:21Z Y
SR533408 21413542 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Registered 2021-09-24T16:32:21Z Y
SR3262660 1 Form B1C - Annual Return General Registered 2024-09-10T14:02:43Z Y
SR3262660 23893458 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Registered 2024-09-10T14:02:43Z Y
SR1716227 1 Form B1C - Annual Return General Registered 2023-05-08T14:43:45Z Y

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