Operations at http://services.cro.ie/cws/
This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.
Uri | Method | Description |
companies | GET | Performs a search of Company and Business Names. Returns a maximum of 250 possible matches. 'company_name' is the Company/Business name. 'company_bus_ind' is the Company/Business indicator. If excluded or left empty, only Companies will be returned. To specify companies explicitly in the query string, it should be set to C. For business names, set to B. To return both companies AND business names, set to E (may add significant delay). 'searchType' is the Search Type: 1=Exact Match, 2=Starts with (default), 3=Contains phrase (slowest). The Search Type only applies to the 'company_name' parameter. 'address' is any part of the Company Address. 'skip' is for specifying how many rows to skip over in results. 'max' is the maximum number of rows to return. Set 'htmlEnc=1' if you want to display the results in a web page with Html encoding |
companiesISI | GET | Performs a search of dissolved Companies for ISI. Returns a maximum of 30 possible matches. 'company_name' is the Company name. The Search Type applies to the 'company_name' parameter |
company/{company_num}/{company_bus_ind} | GET | Returns one Company only. Both parameters must be supplied. A Company with null values will be returned if the Company Number/Indicator combination is invalid. 'ind' must be set to 'C' or 'B'. Set 'htmlEnc=1' to perform Html Encoding on the results. |
company/{company_num}/{company_bus_ind}/submissions | GET | Returns a list of documents for a specific Company or Business Name |
companycount | GET | Returns the number of matches that would be occur by calling 'companies'. See Description of parameters for 'companies' request. |
dissolvedCompany/{company_num} | GET | Returns Company details for EU ISI Project. Both parameters must be supplied. A Company with null values will be returned if the Company Number is invalid. Set 'htmlEnc=1' to perform Html Encoding on the results. |
status | GET | A quicky way of checking if the services are running. |
submission/{sub_num}/{doc_num} | GET | Returns one Document relating to one Submission. Both parameters must be supplied. |
submissioncount | GET | Returns the count of submissions for a specified Company or Business Name, or a Submission Number |
submissions | GET | Returns a list of documents for a specific Company or Business Name, or a Submission Number |